Experience Fiji Under the Sea

Experience Fiji Under the Sea
Experience Fiji Under the Sea

Discovering Fiji's Underwater Marvels

Fiji’s amazing under water experiences should be on every dive enthusiast’s bucket list. Endless summer weather, crystal-clear visibility are part of the reasons why you’ll log memorable adventures here. Here are some of the amazing experiences you can expect when diving in the Soft Coral Capital of the World.

Fiji’s Majestic Mantas

The mantas’ graceful underwater dance is a sight to behold and one that you’ll remember long after you’ve left the water. There are only a handful of places on the planet where you can observe mantas in the wild, and, Fiji is one of them.

Chance encounters with these gentle, filter feeding giants all over Fiji but your best shot at seeing them is at Manta Reef (Kadavu), Drawaqa Island (Yasawa Islands), Namena Marine Reserve off Savusavu and in the Somosomo Strait (Taveuni).  They are also seen regularly in the Lomaiviti Waters off Wakaya Island and Gau.

Fiji’s Underwater Regulars

Those that have had the opportunity to visit and explore Fiji would confirm that we are blessed with such diversity in marine life throughout our 333 beautiful islands. Whether it is playing hide and seek with Nemo, watching a green turtle grabbing a bite of healthy sea grass, or snorkelling with a group of Manta rays, Fiji’s underwater regulars constantly steal the show and leave every diver yearning for more.

Here’s a short clip to whet your appetite. Can you spot the Scorpion Leaf Fish or one of the Ribbon Eels, two very common underwater regulars of Fiji?

Fiji’s Diving Encounters

Fiji’s dive guides would tell you that more often than not, divers return home with their hearts full with joy, after an amazing Fiji underwater diving encounter.With more than 6 dive regions scattered throughout our islands, chances of getting up close and personal with some of our marine life are high.

Now who wouldn’t want to update their Insta-feeds of an epic moment with a Giant Malabar Grouper or Hawksbill Turtle to make all their friends envious of their Fiji dive trip?

Fiji’s Shark Life

Sharks, sharks, glorious sharks. These often misunderstood creatures of the deep play an integral part of the ecosystem and help keep Fiji’s reefs in great condition. Being the apex predator of the ocean, sharks maintain order on Fiji’s vast reef system. Fiji is blessed with dozens of different shark species and adrenaline filled experiences including an epic shark snorkel tour in the crystal clear blue waters of the Yasawa Islands, to hand feeding up to 6 different species in the Beqa Lagoon.

One of our shark dive operators, Beqa Adventure Divers, offer these beauties for adoption to support research and protection through the Adopt a Shark program. Click here to learn more.

Fiji’s Fishy Friends

Fiji’s fish life is Out Of This World! With sustainability in mind,Fiji has established marine protected areas in different regions to secure the future of this important food sources. In return, many of Fiji’s reefs share an abundance of fish life, including larger pelagic fish of the deep, such as the Spanish mackerel, commonly used in our famous Kokoda dish. Then we have our reef fish, such as the colourful parrot fish who keep our reefs clean and healthy and provide a continuous supply of sand for our beaches.

Did you notice the bat fish at 0.10 seconds in? Blink and you may miss it.

Fiji’s Macro Critters

Whilst there is so much to see under the sea in Fiji, it is usually the little things that make a big difference, especially for underwater photographers enthusiasts. Whilst Fiji is well known for its Shark Diving and Manta Ray encounters, you’ll find a fair share of friendly macro critters, like the Randalls Sailfin Gobi and a Snapping Shrimp. The gobi and the shrimp depend on each other for survival- the shrimp needs the gobias a look out as they are blind and the gobi needs the shrimp to burrow holes into the sand for its protection.

Whilst some of these little critters may be quite rare, such as the Freckle Faced Blemmie, in Fiji they can be seen almost everywhere. A great testament to our healthy marine life.

Fiji’s Unknown Critters

Fiji’s vast reef system, channels, mangrove habitats, geographical isolation and rich nutrient filled oceans are a haven for creatures we are yet to discover. Harlequin shrimp were thought to not exist in Fiji and many local scientists will dispute they are here. But luckily for us,they have been filmed in Gau Island, Beqa Lagoon, Vatu-i-Ra and Namena Marine Reserve.

It’s all about knowing a creature’s habitat and knowing when and where it might be found. The Harlequin shrimp seen at 0.9 seconds in were trying to get the sea star hidden in the reef so they could slowly feast upon it. They live in pairs and work as a team. Several Fish ID books and databases have since been updated to include range extensions for these cool shrimp and to acknowledge its presence in Fiji.

Fiji’s Reef Life

Fiji’s reef life is diverse and dynamic! Epic soft coral laden bommies, endless pristine hard coral gardens, myriads of reef fish, pelagics stopping by to hunt and apex predators keeping things in check – Fiji has it all! Each one of Fiji’s dive regions offers a unique experience, like at Coral Corner in the Vatu- i- Ra Marine Reserve as seen at 0.12 seconds. On this amazing dive you can drift with the currents and watch soft corals feed on the nutrients provided by the moving currents, one of Fiji’s “must do” dives.

Soft Coral Capital of the World

It’s easy to see why seasoned scuba divers are drawn to Fiji – other than the friendly locals of course! Stunning green islands meet warm coastal seas with vibrant coral reef cities filled with fish and coral. The footage in this short clip is testament to Fiji’s maze of brilliant coral reefs that are celebrated for their diversity of habitat and marine life. Whether they are beautiful purple soft corals feeding on the rich nutrients at the Instant Replay Dive site in the Vatu-i-Ra Passage, or providing nutrients for other marine life- like our friendly turtle feeding on the Sinularia soft coral at Kansas in the Namena Marine Reserve, its easy to see why the great Jean Michel Cousteau refers to Fiji as the Soft Coral Capital of the World.

Fiji: a Little Bit of Everything

Fiji’s diving has a little bit of everything. It’s easy to get carried away in the current chasing big fish but don’t forget to take your time and stop to find all the wonderful reef critters hiding out! The abundance of tropical fish, hundreds of flower-like corals and sponges scattered across six stunning and diverse dive regions,is the reason why Fiji is a “must do” on every divers bucket list.Add some of the world’s longest barrier reefs to the mix, like the ‘Great Sea Reef’ that borders Vanua Levu’s northern coastline, and the ‘Great Astrolabe Reef’ down in Kadavu, where you can encounter graceful Mantas going about their daily business, you are diving in paradise.

No matter what your level of experience is, with multiple world class dive sites like the ‘Grand Central Station’, the ‘Nigali Passage’ and infamous ‘Great White Wall’, Fiji has something for you. 

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