Fiji's Best Waterfalls

Fiji's Best Waterfalls
Fiji's Best Waterfalls

Cascade Adventures: A Guide to Fiji's Best Waterfalls

Grab your favourite swimsuit and sarong, throw on some comfy walking shoes and get ready to chase some of the best waterfalls in Fiji.

Biausevu Waterfall – Coral Coast 

Beautiful Biausevu waterfall (also known as Savu Na Mate Laya Falls), is the Coral Coast’s most accessible cascade. While many nearby resorts organise trips to the waterfall, you can also visit it independently. Pay the small entry and guide fee at Biausevu Village and embark on a 30-min stroll through the rainforest to the 20m-high, two-tiered waterfall and swimming hole that’s pure magic. The mostly flat trail features nine stream crossings so wear sturdy sandals or water shoes (also available for rent at the village hall). If you prefer, horseback riding to the waterfall is a charming alternative. 

Biausevu Waterfalls

Savulelele Waterfall – Sun Coast 

Discover majestic Savulelele waterfall, located in the Suncoast’s mountainous interior on northern Viti Levu. It is a bit off the beaten path with a drive from Suva or Rakiraki, followed by a 25km dirt road drive inland, a short pitstop at Nabalasere village and a steep 1.5km trek. But the sight of Fiji’s highest waterfall in all its glory is worth every step. While you’re there, keep an eye out for the endemic Fiji Peregrine Falcon which is known to nest there. 

For a hassle-free Savulelele experience, reach out to Talanoa Treks to join a scheduled hiking tour or visit their website to see how you can visit independently. If you go it alone, you'll need a car that can handle the gravel road, a sevusevu (gift of kava) for your arrival in the village, sulus (sarongs) and shorts and t-shirts to swim in.  

Fiji Waterfalls

Wainuta Waterfall – Pacific Harbour 

Located deep in the Namosi Highlands on Viti Levu, getting to the 30m high Wainuta waterfall is an adventure in itself.

One way to access this waterfall is with Rivers Fiji kayaking tours down the Class II whitewater of the Wainikoroiluva River (Luva River). The 6hr inflatable kayaking trip includes a pitstop at this remote waterfall for a swim and picnic lunch. It’s the ideal spot to rest your muscles before hopping back in your kayak for a short paddle to the takeout point. 

Another option is with Namosi Eco Retreat which offers guests and daytrippers several ways to reach the Wainuta waterfall dependant on their time and fitness levels. Choose from a family-friendly 1km hike to 16km adventurous trek overland from the Retreat. A delicious lovo lunch is included to fuel your adventure. Take your own transport or arrange a 4WD transfer from Suva at an extra fee. 

Wainabi Waterfall  - Pacific Harbour 

Embark on an unforgettable adventure to an epic waterfall within the heart of Viti Levu. The trip to the 7-tier Wainabi Waterfall is just one of the adventure packages offered by Domoika Hike, Waterfall and Rock climbing Adventure Tours.  The adventure packages range from an easy 2.5hr trek along the river to more taxing 8-hr return trips to the waterfall that includes stops for ota(fern) and ura(prawn) gathering as well as swimming.  Tours begin and end at remote Waivaka Village and include authentic village, culture and food experiences as well as the chance to camp overnight near the river. 

Vuadomo Waterfall - Savusavu 

As Vanua Levu’s most accessible waterfall, Vuadomo is a mere 20min drive from Savusavu town.  After a brief stop at the village to present your sevusevu (gift of kava), your guide will lead you along the short, paved path to the waterfall.  Reach out to Muanivatu Trails for a half-day (4hr) tour to the waterfall.  Besides the chance to swim at this beautiful spot, the tour includes hotel transfers from Savusavu, a traditional welcome at Vuadomo village, a guide, a Fijian food cooking experience and delicious lunch. 

Tavoro Waterfalls - Taveuni 

In a waterfall-rich paradise like Taveuni, Tavoro’s triple cascades in the Bouma National Heritage Park, are show-stoppers. 

Pay the small entry fee at the visitor centre and walk the short, fairly-flat path to reach the first and largest falls.  With a huge plunge pool, changing rooms and tables to picnic on, most people stop here for the day. But if you like hiking, follow the rough path uphill for another 30-mins to the second waterfall and panoramic views out to the ocean. Feeling bold? Explore further to reach the third waterfall but be warned, the path is a tad trickier, more slippery and overgrown. 

Fiji Waterfalls

Wainibau Waterfall - Taveuni 

The 10-km (roundtrip) Lavena Coastal Walk starts at Lavena Village and weaves its way along Taveuni's rugged southern coast to Wainibau Waterfall. Part of the Bouma National Heritage Park, this (mostly flat) well-worn track is littered with vibrant flowers, native birds, a rope-assisted river crossing and countless beaches and lagoons.

Wainibau waterfall sits at the head of the track but you’ll have to swim or wade your way upstream a little through a picturesque gorge to reach it. If you’d rather save your energy for the falls, there’s also an option to skip the walk and hire a boat from Lavena village directly to Wainibau or explore other waterwalls on this scenic coast. 

Fiji Waterfalls

Waitavala Waterslide - Taveuni

Waitavala Waterslide near Waiyevo town in Taveuni is a must-do for thrill-seekers. The 50m natural waterslide is a meandering, rollicking ride that’ll have you laughing out loud and going back for more. 

This hidden gem – just a short stroll from the road - is not for the fainthearted and you might get a bruise or two so avoid going after heavy rainfall. To cushion the bumpy bits, cover up with shorts, reef shoes and a rash guard and let the local kids show you how it’s done. You’ll want to keep your GoPro handy for this one! 

Fiji Waterfalls

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