Spartan Fiji Guide

Spartan Fiji Guide
Spartan Fiji Guide

A First-Timer's Guide to Choosing the Perfect Race

Have you been eyeing the Spartan Fiji race this November, but not sure if you’ve got what it takes? Don’t worry! Whether you’re a seasoned Spartan or a newbie to obstacle racing, Fiji is a great place to take on this adventure. Let’s dive in and explore your race options.

A Race for Every Level of Fitness 

Inclusivity is at the heart of the Spartan ethos – so whether you’re an elite racer, a fitness fanatic, seeking a thrilling challenge or simply want a fun activity to do with friends and family there’s a race for you. 

Most racers choose to run as a team - for the morale and a helpful boost when you most need it. And if you just can't get past an obstacle, there's always an alternative. Burpees or penalty loop anyone?

Spartan Sprint 

The Spartan Sprint is a fantastic starting point for those looking to dip their toes into Spartan waters. With a distance of 5km and 20 obstacles to conquer, it’s challenging yet manageable. Think of it as your stepping stone into the world of Spartan racing. 

Spartan Super 

If you’re feeling more adventurous and want to push your limits, the Spartan Super is your middle ground. Covering 10km with 25 obstacles, this race is a balanced blend of physical endurance and mental grit. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve! 

Spartan Beast

For the ultimate challenge, the Spartan Beast is the most demanding race option. Covering  21km and 30 obstacles, it’s designed for serious athletes and definitely not the best choice for first timers. 

Spartan Ultra 

Designed for the most dedicated Spartans and those who can’t get enough, this race covers an astonishing 50kim and 60 obstacles. 

Spartan Kids

Got little Spartans in your family? The Spartan Kids is all about fun, adventure and getting the kids off their devices to enjoy the thrill of overcoming challenges in the great outdoors. 

Hurricane Heat 

This unique team-based event challenges your physical and mental limits and takes teamwork to a whole new level. 

Get Spartan Ready – Training and Preparation 

Now that you’ve decided on the race for you, it’s time to prepare. Here’s some tips to get you Spartan ready. 


Train Smart 

Adopt a mix of cardio, strength training and functional fitness into your routine. And don’t forget to work on your grip strength – you’ll need it for those monkey bars!  Some popular obstacles include rope climbs, wall jumps and mud crawls but Spartan prides itself on surprise and variety, so you never know what to expect – it’s all part of the adventure! 

Find a Tribe 

Join local fitness classes or connect with fellow Spartans online. Training with others can be motivating and fun. 

Costume Up 

Spartan races are known for their vibrant costumes. Go ahead and embrace your inner superhero – it’s all part of the fun! 

Fuel Right! 

Eat right and fuel up with the right foods to ensure you have the energy to conquer those obstacles. 

Mental Toughness 

Spartan is as much a mental challenge as it is physical so embrace the adversity and don’t be afraid to get muddy! 

Rewarding Yourself 

Even after you’ve scored a finisher medal wedge or the coveted Trifecta medal, you can reward yourself with the ultimate post-race tropical holiday in Fiji. Think sipping coconuts on the beach, lazy hammock hangs or exploring vibrant coral reefs to help your tired body recover. 

So, pack your adventurous spirit and get ready to conquer the course. Register for the Spartan Fiji race now and we’ll see you at the starting line on 9-12 November 2023!

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